Supported languages and models
Since segram is based on spacy as its engine for solving core NLP tasks, in order to do any work one needs to download and install appropriate language models.
Currently only English is supported and the recommended models are:
Main English model based on the transformer architecture. It should be used as the main model for best results.
Word vector model. The transformer model is powerful, but it does not provide static word vectors, but only context-dependent vectors. Several methods implemented in segram require context-free word vectors, so they must be obatined from a different model.
Coreference resolution model. This is a separate model trained for solving the coreference resolution task. Importantly, it has to be in a version consistent with the requirements specified in the table Core requirements (coreference resolution).
Once spacy is installed, the three language models can be downloaded and installed quite easily:
# Core model based on the trasnformer architecture
python -m spacy download en_core_web_trf
# Mode for word vectors (can be skipped if vector similarity methods are not needed)
python -m spacy download en_core_web_lg # skip if word vectors are not needed
# Coreference resolution model
pip install